Organize, Store, Maintain & Create Something Meaningful from your Photos.

Say Goodbye to Your Photo Overwhelm

Give Your Photos Purpose

Are you overwhelmed with too many photos?

With every iphone upgrade, technology is getting better! It's like having your own professional camera in your back pocket. Even as a photographer I rely on my phone far more often than my camera for my own personal photos. The result?

We end up with thousands and thousands of photos on our phones!

How many of those photos have ever made it to print?

Let me help you create beautiful family heirlooms you will treasure forever.

Let's be honest...

What’s the point of taking all these photos if they stay buried on your phone?

I created The Legacy Photo Lab to teach you how to tackle your photo collection so you can DO something with your family’s special memories! My goal is to help you manage the chaos of your growing collection of images by putting them all in one place to be able to look back on them with ease years from now. Your family and children will thank you!

if you're tired of feeling...

  • overwhelmed by your photo library
  • unmotivated to do something creative with your images
  • uncertain about where to begin when it comes to getting organized

if you would like to feel...

  • organized and under control of your photo library
  • confident in your ability to create beautiful artwork with your photos
  • proud and ready to show off your family photo collection

A simple process to find, store, manage & maintain all your precious photos.

Photographer + Course Creator

Hi, I am Danielle

I've been a professional photographer since 2010 and am passionate about helping you keep your most precious memories alive through printed photos. I have over 15,000 photos on my phone!  It can be overwhelming. I want to help you organize, filter, plan, and print so you can leave your family a photo legacy, not digital disorder.  

For just $27, you can get started today!

Organize. Store. Maintain. Create. Enjoy.

Inside The Legacy Photo Lab


Learn how to quickly and efficiently get all your photos in one place. We will walk through step-by-step how to backup your photos so you will never have to worry about losing a photo again.


I will share my simple strategy to sorting your best photos from the bunch. This will make future photo projects so much easier!


Use my signature system to keep your photos organized. No matter how many thousands you have this effective tool will allow you to effortlessy find and store your most precious memories.


I walk you through how to create something tangible from your best photos. So you can have it to feel and touch and reflect back on years from now. I even share my personal album template for you to use so it couldn't get any easier!


Never face photo overwhelm again! With this course you will have an effective system and process for keeping, organizing and storing your photos forever. Never let your photos be lost to your camera roll again!

Pro Tips

I share my best tips and advice with video tutorials and printables, to guide you through time saving tricks and processes. 

An amazing price for an unbeatable feeling.

Feel Confident About Your Family Photo Collection

A printed photo is more valuable than a pixel on a screen.


When Does The Course Start?:

As soon as you purchase The Legacy Photo Lab you will have instant lifetime access! So you can start as soon as you’re ready!

How Long Will It Take Me?:

It’s different for everyone. It depends on how many photos you have, and how much time you’re wanting to dedicate to it! Some people can knock this out in one sitting, while others prefer to take their time. It’s up to you!

Does it Matter if I Have a MAC or a PC?:

No! Danielle walks you through the step-by-step process for either, so she has you covered!

What If I Get Stuck?:

Danielle is available via e-mail if you ever get stuck, but with a combination of workbook, video and step-by-step tutorials with photos Danielle has made it as easy as possible even if you’re not tech savvy!

I’m Not Creative, Can I Still Do This Course?:

Yes! The Legacy Photo Lab is for anyone who wants to create a tangible keepsake from their photos and get over the photo overwhelm! Danielle’s easy step-by-step process makes it possible for anyone despite your tech experience or creativity level!
